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Pure & Original Paint in Fabulous Fresco… 3 Ways

***This post contains sponsored materials however rest assured all opinions are my own***
You will also find affiliate links to help you find the products I used!
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 Once upon a time we bought our first house.  A brick home built in the sixties-yes with many many many walls,.. and here we have the dining room.

At one point in time our family frequented this space with DAILY dinners!  Then life became busy,  Kids grew and activities spread us out more and more so many crock pot dinners were taken on the road.  …and my dining began to take on a different look… 

Notice the dining room table has been pushed aside…

…and then it was gone and I had the idea to have a bold teal wall,.. 
and painted a faux shiplap.. dont judge.  I feel those judgy eyes! 
But you never know till you try!  It was kina cute.  For a minute.
Then I had the privilege of working with Pure and Original Paint in Classico (aflink) and I fell in love!  This is absolutely my favorite paint to use!

I have to admit.  Its my favorite.  And you guys know I have looked long and hard!  Now you see that teal.. yes I liked it!  But it had to be reduced to a phase,.. 
it was time for it to go!
After wiping the wall down with Simple Green I painted the entire wall in “Wall Prim”
This is a unique primer made specifically for the Fresco to adhere and work properly over.

I really just wanted to stay right there.  I loved the richness of the color which was tinted in “Earth Stone” to match the Fresco Color I had chosen.

The next day I went on to paint one layer of Fresco. (aflink)

First thing is grabbing bottle water to dilute.  With Pure and Original Products you can always bet your paints are going to come in THICK!  This means you get more pigment and product in your container! PREMIUM Quality. Using bottled water I diluted up to 10% just get the product to my chosen work-ability.   Then using my uber-awesome large Fresco Brush I began working in vertical lines working quickly to encourage wet to wet contact.
Photo Courtesy of

Here you can see the vertical process take shape.

Pure and Original Fresco in Earth Stone
You can see how the fresco has this lovely reaction and creates multiple shades of the 
Earth Stone pigmentation.. 
But I couldnt stop there. I wanted to play and explore exactly HOW the process works!
So I did another coat.  Beginning in the middle I would work my way out basically in a spiral.. and came up with what I laughingly call the Cloudy Vortex.. 
I feel the Heavens beckoning… There is an allure for sure! 
But it has no place on my dining room wall.  Onward!
I finally would work on a true “Cloudy” approach working in random cross hatch strokes and staying wet with a spray bottle.
And I landed here.. 
I absolutely LOVE the Fresco Lime paint.  I can not wait to introduce more of this old world look in my home!  
Now for some lovely news!  Pure and Original Paint has JUST launched a USA Webshop!
You will find some links above and you can access it HERE.
There you can find their Fresco, Classico, and Marrakech!
I am excited to have just ordered a LOVELY new color from the Special Design Collection called “Wild Garlic”
Photo Courtesy of
Its a lovely slightly warm grey,.. 

SPEAKING OF GREY!  Have you seen my deer friend Kandice’s LOVELY new 
“Tin Kettle” Fresco wall?? She took cloudy approach as well and I working on a BEAUTIFUL Living room renovation with incredible POPS of color!
 Go take a peep at Just the Woods!

So,. I will be getting to work on another Fresco and guess what?!?!
It will be time for another giveaway! You will not want to miss it!  Be sure you have subscribed to emails to be updated!  Until then I invite you to go check out the new web shop! They even have a whole now hand painted color card with LOTS of GORGEOUS new colors!
You can preview all the colors they offer Here.
And its not just for walls… 
You can read about these beauties Here!
I invite you to go give them a try.  You WONT be disappointed.  Until next time y’all, thanks for joining me at That Sweet Tea Life!
Remember Sharing is Caring! It helps me to bring amazing deals and products to you!

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 22nd of February 2017

I love your wall...that paint is gorgeous!

Liz Woodiwiss

Sunday 5th of February 2017

Love this! I'm always looking for awesome new ways to paint things :-) Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday!

Thea Osborne

Friday 3rd of February 2017

Thank you!! Merry Friday to you! :-)

Made In a Day

Tuesday 31st of January 2017

Wow your wall came out really pretty! Thanks for the techniques! Sharing on Twitter & Pinned Thanks for linking up at #MerryMonday! Kim

Thea Osborne

Thursday 26th of January 2017

Im sure it would! The texture would probably just make the lime reaction act a little differently. Could be a really awesome effect!