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How to Create Patriotic Plank Art!

So I finally get to teach! Ive always loved sharing with others and the learning process.  Last night I began teaching at my favorite local shop and it was GREAT!  A learning experience for SURE, but a great starting point.  So what did we create?  Patriotic Plank Art!
Aint it cute!?
What did I use to create my Patriotic Plank Art?
Affiliate links included for your convenience and to show description of product, BUT when you shop through my Amazon links I receive a tiny commission!)
1.5″ Star Stickers (I created my own using my Cricut)
Lastly you need a Board! This can be an old drawer front, Pallet wood (make sure its non toxic and safe) or just run to Lowes!  I get long 8′ kiln dried boards and have them cut down!  Its supposed to be like 25 cents per cut, but they never charge me!
Prep your board!
Using my sander I went over and bumped down all the edges even using low (40-80grit) to create worn edges and imperfections.  Then I smoothed everything with a higher grit. (180+)
Once I got it nice and smooth, I sprayed 2 coats of shellac.  This seals everything off nicely.
Now for the fun stuff!
 Using White I paint the entire board! I usually do what I call a crumb coat,.. keeping an only very SLIGHTLY damp brush, I go over the whole thing with a thin coat of white.  Then Once it is FULLY dry, I do another more substantial coat.

Next, place the stars however you desire! Mine were cut to 1.5″³ width on my cricut.


I placed my stars in a circle with one point aimed directly in the middle. If you place 4 opposing stars first its much easier to add a star in between each of them to get a “decent” circle. Place the painters tape across to create the boarder of the blue and red/white. Paint the taped off area blue! Try not to drag the brush and pull up under the tape/stickers. Again, 2 coats are better than one! 1 thin coat then another slightly thicker coat.

 Remove stickers and tape! If using chalky style-remove any time.  Its super friendly when it comes to “pulling”.  If you are using a latex or paint that is high in elastic ingredients, I recommend pulling tape and stickers up while the paint is wet.  ….carefully. ….very carefully.
 Once the paint is dry lay another piece of painters tape at the blue-red/white border.  This time you want it laying over the blue!  Also lay tape where you want the white stripes to be.  Paint the red in-again, a thin coat followed by a thicker coat.  Pull the tape. 🙂
 Once you have pulled everything up, you may want to paint the edges of the plank.  I painted mine in the navy blue to finish it off.  Clean the paint products up.  Put everything away.  (You will thank yourself when you go to begin another project! …unlike me who had to use random brushes because my favorite ones were not clean…) By the time you come back everything should be nice and dry.  Time to sand.  Sand all over to smooth but also sand extra around edges and places there is a change in surface,.. this creates character.  Be careful not to sand too much across random flat spots.
Last, grab a natural brush (My preference) or a lint free rag and apply the natural furniture wax  Just enough to moisten the surface.  Then buff away.  You are left with an awesome piece of artwork you can place anywhere that is covered.  (Dont leave it in the middle of your yard or where it will take on rain unless you take extra steps to weather proof it.)  I love having mine sit on the front porch during the summer.
Perfect for any southern porch! Have questions? Let me know! Make your own? I wanna see it!  Dont forget I created the paint and sealer bundle for you to purchase above!  I love the fact that it stands on its own AND I can even paint the other side for the change in seasons!   Thank you SO much for stopping by That Sweet Tea Life!  I hope you enjoyed! Dont Forget to Pin it For later!
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Patriotic Plank Art #flagart #flagsign #patrioticsign #diysign


Friday 3rd of May 2019

Hi what size of board did you get? Thank you for the wonderful tip! I love Fourth of July and the amazing decor ideas we can do is endless Thanks Leah

Linda at Mixed Kreations

Wednesday 7th of February 2018

I love patriotic crafts, and this turned out so pretty! One day I am going to have to get me a cricut, I see so many neat things that can be made with one.

Michelle James

Friday 30th of June 2017

I love this and it would have been great to make it in a class. I was teaching classes for a while. I think everyone had a great time. I hope yours was the same!