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Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration

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Luckily Blue Painted Furniture Ideas can be found so easily these days!  Farmhouse white is now becoming the backdrop for each gorgeous piece of furniture painted in blue, and white just accentuates its beauty! The “before” on this french provincial beauty that would become a lavishly blue dresserchalk paints come in the most amazing colors and I especially love my Wise Owl Chalk Synthesis Paint Blues…

How to Create a Blended Paint Furniture Finish

Really she is in great shape save a little veneer that needed to be secured.  I knew I wanted to have some fun with those curves and cabriole legs!  This would be a GREAT opportunity to take the time to play with blended paint using my Wise Owl Chalk Synthesis Paint.  Blending, layering and shading with paint, using the furniture as my canvas is my favorite method for painting furniture.  I wouldn’t be taking a Bermuda Blending approach, rather this would be Moody Blue Blended Paint.  You can actually catch the entire LIVE Moody Blue Blending Series HERE!

To recreate your own blended finish I recommend using 2 colors.
1 light/bright color
1 deeper color in the same color family
1 Varnish
You can get those HERE!

Products and Tools

Each item is a clickable link for you to either purchase through OR use for informational purposes.

First thing is prep.  This means cleaning, scuffing, and priming.  Do you HAVE to do this? Of course not!  BUT I want my blue painted furniture finish to last and I dont want to have variables like old greasy hand prints or old grimy dirt causing issues with adhesion or these gorgeous hues!

Once I have everything shellacked and its dried well, I add what I call my crumb coat.
A LOT of people had questions about what I mean, and I answered that in Video 1.
How to Create a Blended Paint Furniture Finish
But thats it,.. just a very thin base coat.  Just enough to lay a little color (Or a lot as tends to happen with Wise Owl Paint!) and add some grip.  Wise Owl is a clay/chalk paint so you can feel the texture once its laid.  This helps to GRAB the paint on the second coat.  You can see at the end of Video 1 what that second coat looks like,.. complete coverage!
Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | process | blending | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint
Here you can see where I began the blended paint process! Misting the surface as I go I use the entire piece as a canvas.  I’m getting an idea of where I want the deeper navy tones and where I want the turquoise.  I continue this all over until I get the look I want everywhere,.. blended paint and mists,..  using no more than a few sqirts of paint in each area.
You can see how I go about this process in videos 2-4 with a close up in Video 4!
Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | process photo | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint
Once all of the blending and primary colors are applied, you can have fun with highlighting and shading!  Again keeping a damp surface and brush,.. use an artists brush to apply colors to accent and play with all of the details… you are able to see how I approach this in video 3!
Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | watery blend | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint
Aren’t those blues just lovely?! Now,.. would you really want that water muddied by dirt, oil, and grime? No WAY! Never be scared to prep your canvas and create a beautiful work surface to start with!
Now, I had originally thought I wanted to distress!  The color and curves remind my of my curvy bombe! (You can see that HERE)  I just slightly distressed it and loved the warm tones of the wood peaking through.  You can see me walking through that process on this buffet HERE in part 4.  It would be short lived though.  I ended up not caring for it and went back to a more evenly painted look by washing over it. Then FINALLY to spray the top coat! I love the look of a 50/50 mix of Satin and Matte in my Wise Owl Varnish
Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | close up | distress | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint
It just results in such a lovely silky sheen that I love!  As you can see above the color washes, blending, and highlighting results in peaks of beautiful hues,.. Be sure to check out the videos to also see my approach with the hardware and final touches! (Like how to make those drawers glide super smooth!)  Its always those last little touches that pull it all together!  You can see the run through HERE.  So are you ready for the final look?  This is another of my favorites,.. I know,.. they all end up that way right??  But this was a lot of fun and just finalized that Wise Owl is the brand for me,. We are a perfect fit!
In an attempt to create a smaller circle that I can focus on and encourage and teach I have partnered with another amazing artist! Kandice from Just the Woods!  It will be exclusively for you and me and ONLY other like minded artists that want to grow.  No discouragement or judgement.  Everyone will be committed to the same goals.  I hope to see you over there!
I KNOW you just want the pics right?? Ok here you go, and until next time, thanks for stopping into That Sweet Tea Life!

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | front center | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | right angle | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | distress leg | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | distress | highlight | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | French Provincial Hardware | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Close Right Offset | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | right offset | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Distressed corner |Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Front Drawer | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

How to Create a non- Bermuda Blending Paint Furniture Finish Moody Blue Blended Paint Finish Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

How to Create a not so Bermuda Blending Paint Furniture Finish | Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

How to Create a non- Bermuda Blending -actually blended Paint Furniture Finish Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

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Blue Painted Furniture: Your Blended Paint Inspiration by That Sweet Tea Life | Pin Image | Shaded Furniture| How to create a blended Paint Furniture Finish | Blended Painted Furniture Ideas | Furniture Painting Tips | How to paint Furniture | Blending Blue Furniture Makeover | Layered Paint | Blended Painting | Dresser Makeover | Furniture DIY | #paintblending | #blendedpaintfinish | #blendedfurniturepaint

Kim Michael

Saturday 18th of April 2020

I loved your tutorial and had the perfect piece to try your techniques on!! So happy with how it turned out! Thanks! Would love to share a Before and After picture with you!

Thea Osborne

Saturday 18th of April 2020

Oh thats amazing!! Id love for you to share in my group on Facebook! ( ) Or if not, email me! id love to see it! You can reply to any newsletter or send to [email protected]


Saturday 14th of March 2020

I love blue and the 2 colors is so awesome wouldblice to do this

Thea Osborne

Wednesday 18th of March 2020

Thank you so much!! Id love to see if you give it a try!


Saturday 17th of February 2018

The depth of color is just gorgeous on this piece. And I’m always a fan of blue.

Brenda Young

Thursday 14th of December 2017

Girl, you know how much I adore blended furniture and in my favorite hue too, I just have to feature your great tutorial tonight at #FridaysFurnitureFix!


Friday 8th of December 2017

This is awesome and cheerful! I love the color.

~ Elena